Who was Julius Caesar (101- 44 B.C.)?
An emperor or a dictator?
He had great politic ambitions, that strange enough coincided with the intrest of the state.
65 B.C.:aedilis
63 B.C.:pontifex maximus
59 B.C.:consul
45 B.C.:dictator for an unlimited time. He took the absolute power, resigned the senate, improved the admistration in country provinces, unified Italy, made colonies, divided the grounds, made a Roman empire of the conquered regions and made clear the ruling to avoid poverty.
44 B.C.:He was killed in the senate by the republicans under leadership of Junius Brutus.

Gaius Octavius was born in Rome on the 23th September in 63 B.C.
His form of government was by the history writers named the "principate".
Step by step he rejected the advantages of the tribunates - the right of veto, the right to call the senate by eachother to introduce the laws, inviolability not for one year but for lifetime and not unlimited for Rome only but for whole the emperor empire. He was at that time the commander and the ruler of the empire.
On this manner Augustus ruled on his own the entire empire on a perfect legal way. Under his power there was the "PAX ROMANA" (= Roman peace)
Augustus died in the year 14 A.C. during a trip to Campanian; he was 76 years old and he had ruled 41 years.

Nero (41 - 54 A.C.)
He was an awful tyrant.
Did he had really given the order to burn Rome, because he found it an awful city? That was told by Suetonius. In any case the Christians had to pay taxes. For the reconstruction of the city, the empire was looted and he took all the properties and the fortunes of the enemies.
Nero escaped Rome chased by the praetorians. He killed himself with the help of a slave. He said on the 9th June 68 A.C., "With me died a great artist".

Titus (79 - 81 A.C.)
Titus was an excellent emperor: beautiful, cultivated, a military and a real statesman.
His lordship was marked by several disaters: the eruption of the Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeï, Herculaneum and Stabiae. A big part of Rome was burned by a huge fire. The pest also killed innumerable people in the empire. He died unexpected in the year 81 A.C..

Trajanus (98 - 117 A.C.)
Trajanus was from Spain.
Trajanus was a remarkable and popular successor of Augustus and a noble emperor.
He let build big monuments and townships. Trajanus was at his best as a military man.
In 117 A.C. he died by the return of the trip of Ctesiphon.

Hadrianus (117 - 138 A.C.)
Hadrianus was born in Spain and succeeded Trajanus.
He was the man of the world, he wanted to know everything and was interested in everything.
Hadrianus didn't liked war because he was a peaceful man.
Hadrianus set the absolute power up in the whole of the empire.
During his lastest life years he was frequently bitter and cruel, because his illness (watersigh). He died in 138 A.C.. After a peaceful government where the empire arrived on the top of his glory.
